Tuesday, July 31, 2007


On Monday me Jennifer and Maddie all went to World's of Fun! The Patriot is so awesome! But the most amazing ride was the RIPCORD! I mean Whoa! that thing was freaking exhilarating! It was very scary too! And although it is $18 it is definitely worth it! And I would advise everyone to try it! My dad took a video of us going on it and we were screaming the whole time! It AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


On Monday Me Bridget and Maddie went 2 the pool and then they spent the nite at my house!

The next day I went with Bridget 2 get her highlights and then spent the nite!

On Wednesday I went 2 Ocean's of Fun with Bridget her mom her aunt Sam and this guy named Alex. It was sooo funn!!! then Me Bridget her mom and Sam all watched 'Weeds' which is the BEST show EVER!!! Then we watched 'Transformers' with Dylan but didn't finish it because I really don't think its that great of a movie.

Today I finally came home but we all agreed that Bridget's mom should just adopt me because I am over there so much!!! lol!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Atchison is amazing but I am very glad I'm back! I'm going back again next Saturday for the Amelia Earhart celebration with the fireworks and I am also going to this carnival thing they have every year! So what have you guys been up 2 since I've been gone?

p.s.FLATLINE is my favorite song!!! (good times w/ the SUBS!)haha!

Sunday, July 8, 2007


So the last few days I have been at the pool w/ Maddie & Kelli. We met these two guys that are going to Maddie's new school next year! So she's already made some new friends! YEAH! On Saturday we spent the night at Maddie's and stayed up all night! literally. then we walked to Einstein Bros. at 6 o' clock then came back and finally went to sleep at around 7 until 10. then we went to the pool at 130 to meet our new friends! It was so fun! But now I'm really tired...boo-hoo! thats ok tho, if anyone wants 2 go 2 the pool today or tmr I'll go...maybe.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July!!!

*Well I have been in Atchison since Sunday and I just got back. I went camping from sunday to tuesday and had a great time, but got a ton of bugbites all over my legs!!! they itch sooo bad!
*Anyway on the 4th I went w/ my grandparents 2 the Halls (family friend) they live on a lake in atchison! A lot of my family was there and then more family friends. I went tubing 3 times and the last was the funnest!!! I had my own tube and then two other girls shared one and we were out there for probably about 30 minutes! it rocked!!!
*When it got dark me, my cuzin, and brother shot off a small fireworks show for everybody! I did sum Roman Candles!
*Well my 4th of july rocked! It may not sound that fun but, u had 2 be there! How were u guys' 4th of July's???