Sunday, August 26, 2007

No more Blogger.........BEBO is wayyyyyyyyy better!!!!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Hey everyone! I got a BEBO so search for me as! I have no friends so far :(. So help me!

Friday, August 10, 2007


1:00 Me Lauren and Dana all went 2 Mission Pool!

6:00 Went to Sonic then 2 Lauren's house for PiZzA!!!

7:00 PV for Moonlight Swim! sucked tho cuz it was so crowded and there were sacatas EVERWHERE!!! Ppl were throwing them around in the pool!

9:00 Left because it was crowded, smelly, and 2 many SACATAS!!!! Went 2
TCBY!!! (first time EVER!)

Tomorrow I am probably going 2 the pool at noon! Call Me!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Nightlife H20

Tomorrow is the Teenage Nightlife H20 thing at Mission Pool. Its gonna be so fun so I think you all should go! Just call me for the times and we can meet up there!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Thursday- Went to Oak Hill then Spent the nite at Bridget's

Friday-Helped decorate Sam's apartment w/ Bridget and Anemarie (gotta luv her!) Went to 'Pita Pit' (best place ever!) Then Bridget spent the nite and we painted and decorated my basement!

Saturday-Served a wedding w/ Lauren and got $10. Then me Bridget and Lauren all went 2 Mission Pool! Met this really mean guy and then met this other guy who was in luv w/ Bridget! LOL! This one guy that I kind of like made me kinda mad because idk if he likes me back and I think he mite think I'm a Brat but idc because I'm not and he doesnt even know me! So judgmental!

Tomorrow-I'll probably go 2 the pool so if anybody wants 2 go, just call me!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Roeland Park Pool sucks!!! Me and Bridget went there yesterday because we wanted 2 go 2 a different pool but in order to go you have 2 buy a punch card that costs 25$ and it will get u in 5 times. But you couldn't just get in once, which is completely retarded! So since we couldn't get in there we went to Mission which was extremely fun and if u go I will explain to you why it is so great! So next time you go to a pool, make it Mission because WOW there are some Amazing things at that pool!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


On Monday me Jennifer and Maddie all went to World's of Fun! The Patriot is so awesome! But the most amazing ride was the RIPCORD! I mean Whoa! that thing was freaking exhilarating! It was very scary too! And although it is $18 it is definitely worth it! And I would advise everyone to try it! My dad took a video of us going on it and we were screaming the whole time! It AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!