Sunday, July 15, 2007


Atchison is amazing but I am very glad I'm back! I'm going back again next Saturday for the Amelia Earhart celebration with the fireworks and I am also going to this carnival thing they have every year! So what have you guys been up 2 since I've been gone?

p.s.FLATLINE is my favorite song!!! (good times w/ the SUBS!)haha!


BRiDG3T said...

Yes very good times with the Subs! Lol! "Call an Ambulance" I can't wait till tuesday/Wednesday either!!!! Hopefully i can go to the Amelia Thing Too, and hopefully i can ride up w/ you!!!
I will definitly, invite you and your BFF over again!!!
WOW i wrote alot!!!
luv ya

natalia:) said...

i'm getting either a sanyo or a polariod digital camera.

Summer♥ said...

Heyy there was alot kinda that u missed and its about u kno who! lol and its kinda bad! atleast 2 me also we need 2 get 2gether sometime or something. I'm leave 4 iowa on Fri. and im coming bak on the 1st i can't wait! anyway we shold go 2 the movies sometime b4 i go or do something! lol ttyl luv ya

Jizzle said...

hey we need to get together and plan the you know what. we have to find a date and stuff well call me.