Tuesday, June 26, 2007


MEAT. its disgusting. its a disgrace. that we eat animals. so that is why i have decided to became a vegetarian. i still have 2 talk 2 my parents 2 see if they will let me live out my dream but hopefully they will understand. meat, chicken, ham...all that stuff may taste good but it is an ANIMAL, people a living ANIMAL that sum one just cut up in a slaughter house so that we could EAT it because they think that that's an animals whole purpose in life, which I'm sure it is not. it just downright disgusts me. i know this is going 2 be hard but i do not want my children 2 eat an animal and so if i want that 2 happen...i am going 2 have to STOP right now.


Summer♥ said...

tori i agree w/ u but im waiting till im older like maybe idk but i i dont wanna eat animals eaither im w/ ya but im waiting! lol and i wish i could come over!! =[ but i will c u later!! ttyl

MaDiGaNs said...

I agree w/ Kelli, I am gonna wait till I get oloder but I support your descion completeley!!!See ya later!!!

Summer♥ said...

im gonna watch wat i eat i wil not eat steak and pork but wil eat chiken!! lol im suporting u!

BRiDG3T said...

hey tori
i'll stand by you!!! I completly agree but i am waiting till i'm 14! Ya i don't think i want my children or me to eat anything w/ a face! So umm ya my new blog is krap, so i decided to keep my old one and give it a makeover...so i did
leave me a comment!

BRiDG3T said...

Have you told your mom about bein a vegetarian yet??? Does she agree or disagree? So ya i'll call you about tommorow and wat we should do!!
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