Sunday, August 26, 2007

No more Blogger.........BEBO is wayyyyyyyyy better!!!!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Hey everyone! I got a BEBO so search for me as! I have no friends so far :(. So help me!

Friday, August 10, 2007


1:00 Me Lauren and Dana all went 2 Mission Pool!

6:00 Went to Sonic then 2 Lauren's house for PiZzA!!!

7:00 PV for Moonlight Swim! sucked tho cuz it was so crowded and there were sacatas EVERWHERE!!! Ppl were throwing them around in the pool!

9:00 Left because it was crowded, smelly, and 2 many SACATAS!!!! Went 2
TCBY!!! (first time EVER!)

Tomorrow I am probably going 2 the pool at noon! Call Me!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Nightlife H20

Tomorrow is the Teenage Nightlife H20 thing at Mission Pool. Its gonna be so fun so I think you all should go! Just call me for the times and we can meet up there!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Thursday- Went to Oak Hill then Spent the nite at Bridget's

Friday-Helped decorate Sam's apartment w/ Bridget and Anemarie (gotta luv her!) Went to 'Pita Pit' (best place ever!) Then Bridget spent the nite and we painted and decorated my basement!

Saturday-Served a wedding w/ Lauren and got $10. Then me Bridget and Lauren all went 2 Mission Pool! Met this really mean guy and then met this other guy who was in luv w/ Bridget! LOL! This one guy that I kind of like made me kinda mad because idk if he likes me back and I think he mite think I'm a Brat but idc because I'm not and he doesnt even know me! So judgmental!

Tomorrow-I'll probably go 2 the pool so if anybody wants 2 go, just call me!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Roeland Park Pool sucks!!! Me and Bridget went there yesterday because we wanted 2 go 2 a different pool but in order to go you have 2 buy a punch card that costs 25$ and it will get u in 5 times. But you couldn't just get in once, which is completely retarded! So since we couldn't get in there we went to Mission which was extremely fun and if u go I will explain to you why it is so great! So next time you go to a pool, make it Mission because WOW there are some Amazing things at that pool!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


On Monday me Jennifer and Maddie all went to World's of Fun! The Patriot is so awesome! But the most amazing ride was the RIPCORD! I mean Whoa! that thing was freaking exhilarating! It was very scary too! And although it is $18 it is definitely worth it! And I would advise everyone to try it! My dad took a video of us going on it and we were screaming the whole time! It AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


On Monday Me Bridget and Maddie went 2 the pool and then they spent the nite at my house!

The next day I went with Bridget 2 get her highlights and then spent the nite!

On Wednesday I went 2 Ocean's of Fun with Bridget her mom her aunt Sam and this guy named Alex. It was sooo funn!!! then Me Bridget her mom and Sam all watched 'Weeds' which is the BEST show EVER!!! Then we watched 'Transformers' with Dylan but didn't finish it because I really don't think its that great of a movie.

Today I finally came home but we all agreed that Bridget's mom should just adopt me because I am over there so much!!! lol!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Atchison is amazing but I am very glad I'm back! I'm going back again next Saturday for the Amelia Earhart celebration with the fireworks and I am also going to this carnival thing they have every year! So what have you guys been up 2 since I've been gone?

p.s.FLATLINE is my favorite song!!! (good times w/ the SUBS!)haha!

Sunday, July 8, 2007


So the last few days I have been at the pool w/ Maddie & Kelli. We met these two guys that are going to Maddie's new school next year! So she's already made some new friends! YEAH! On Saturday we spent the night at Maddie's and stayed up all night! literally. then we walked to Einstein Bros. at 6 o' clock then came back and finally went to sleep at around 7 until 10. then we went to the pool at 130 to meet our new friends! It was so fun! But now I'm really! thats ok tho, if anyone wants 2 go 2 the pool today or tmr I'll go...maybe.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July!!!

*Well I have been in Atchison since Sunday and I just got back. I went camping from sunday to tuesday and had a great time, but got a ton of bugbites all over my legs!!! they itch sooo bad!
*Anyway on the 4th I went w/ my grandparents 2 the Halls (family friend) they live on a lake in atchison! A lot of my family was there and then more family friends. I went tubing 3 times and the last was the funnest!!! I had my own tube and then two other girls shared one and we were out there for probably about 30 minutes! it rocked!!!
*When it got dark me, my cuzin, and brother shot off a small fireworks show for everybody! I did sum Roman Candles!
*Well my 4th of july rocked! It may not sound that fun but, u had 2 be there! How were u guys' 4th of July's???

Friday, June 29, 2007


*It's been raining for days and it is making me so mad!!! I have been so bored cuz I haven't been able to go to the pool!
*Jennifer came over yesterday and spent the night so I wasn't bored anymore!!! We watched Final Destination 3 and Saw II, they are really good but Final Destination 3 is really short.
*Right now I am at her house and I am drinking pop and burping a lot! My hair looks really wierd because I haven't straightened it in so long until now. But I kind of like it. It's gotten a lot longer since the last time it was straight.
*When it finally stops raining I am so going to the pool...WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?!?!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007


-Don't worry guys, I haven't fallen through yet, it's still no meat and it always will be! I am serious about this whole thing and I am very glad that you guys support me!
-Last night I was at Lauren's and she was being so mean! she said I was stupid for becoming a vegatarian and that I will never follow through! then for dinner her dad made pork chops and she was tempting me the whole time!!! but I did not eat any!
-Take my new poll because its actually about important stuff this time. I don't know wat kind of vegetarian I should be???

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


My parents are on board! I am officially a VEGETARIAN!!! I am so excited last night I ate grilled cheese, beans, and salad...YUM! Maddie is a halftime vegetarian so whenever she comes 2 my house its NO MEAT!


P.S. Take my poll over there <>

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


MEAT. its disgusting. its a disgrace. that we eat animals. so that is why i have decided to became a vegetarian. i still have 2 talk 2 my parents 2 see if they will let me live out my dream but hopefully they will understand. meat, chicken, ham...all that stuff may taste good but it is an ANIMAL, people a living ANIMAL that sum one just cut up in a slaughter house so that we could EAT it because they think that that's an animals whole purpose in life, which I'm sure it is not. it just downright disgusts me. i know this is going 2 be hard but i do not want my children 2 eat an animal and so if i want that 2 happen...i am going 2 have to STOP right now.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Hello again! I am exhausted from a long night! whooo! 'The SHINING' is AmAzInG!!! You guys up 4 the pool tmr?

Friday, June 22, 2007


Hello! I created this blog so that I can keep in touch with friends and post polls and stuff like that. So far none of my friends have a blog but I will spread the word around and hopefully they will soon!
