Friday, June 29, 2007


*It's been raining for days and it is making me so mad!!! I have been so bored cuz I haven't been able to go to the pool!
*Jennifer came over yesterday and spent the night so I wasn't bored anymore!!! We watched Final Destination 3 and Saw II, they are really good but Final Destination 3 is really short.
*Right now I am at her house and I am drinking pop and burping a lot! My hair looks really wierd because I haven't straightened it in so long until now. But I kind of like it. It's gotten a lot longer since the last time it was straight.
*When it finally stops raining I am so going to the pool...WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?!?!!!


Jizzle said...

hey. im with u on the pool thing!i hate the rain.and i support u being vegetarian even though lauren ur family and my family dad was funny!we should go back to my room now so goodbye.and hello.


BRiDG3T said...

hey. And no i didn't watch the surgery! But my mom did! I hate rain so much! I mean i don't mind it in any other season. But Summer? UUUGGGGHHHH!!! And the sleepover sounds so much fun!!!!! I'll call you, or you'll call me about the details
luv ya

Summer♥ said...

Hey i luv rain but in the summer its not so much fun! lol and yea i cant wait 4 the saw4 2 come out i just can't WAIT! lol and im so bored right now and cold can u believe that cold in the summer!!!! OMG but oh well i wish i could change the weather! lol ttyl CMB luv ya

Summer♥ said...

ya its true! lol

xXLUVyAABAB3Xx said...

Ok, I just found outwhat some things that are made of meat......mayonase(eggs), eggs, icing( Its made from beef lard...omg... iknow... isnt that disgusting!)

Summer♥ said...

HEYY i havent talked 2 u in a whikle hows it goin?

xXLUVyAABAB3Xx said...

HEllo.. give me comments!

Summer♥ said...

my 4th rocked also and i cant see ur post idk why and i agree w/ the jon thing! lol ttyl call me! lol not cell im getitn a new 1 cuz i droped mine in the sink! oops lol